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Jersey Dogs: Fun at the shore
Local beach fun and safety

Most locals know that the best time to take your dog to the beach is off season, but summer season fun in the sun can still be had if you know where to go.

Sandy Hook: Dogs love to romp on the bay side of Sandy Hook – Horseshoe Cove and Plum Island – where gentle water invites splashing and swimming. Leashed dogs are permitted year round (often non-leashed dogs play here too though it is not permitted) 5am-10pm. Sandy Hook Dog Beach Information

Asbury Park 8th Ave Beach: Dogs are permitted at this beach year round, but only during off-peak times in the summer – from 6pm-8:30am. Unleashed dogs are permitted if they are under owner control and adult supervision. Asbury Park Dog Beach Website

*Note: While you are in Asbury Park, swing by the Wonder Bar for Yappy Hour – a really fun way to meet other dogs and their owners (& enjoy a cocktail!) – and notice that they have a special small dog only Yappy Hour for petite pups.

Manasquan Dog Beach (Fisherman’s Cove): Leashed dogs are permitted from 7am-dusk year round at a section of the beach in the Fisherman’s Cove Conservation Area (often non-leashed dogs play here too though it is not permitted). Information on Fisherman’s Cove Dog Beach

Dog Beach Etiquette & Safety Tips
• Keep all unleashed dogs under voice control at all times. If you can’t count on your dog to come when called, keep him on leash and practice “come” at home.
• The number one complaint about dogs in public is when owners don’t pick up poop, so please help keep dogs welcome in our community and pick up after your dog.
• Not all dogs are natural swimmers – make sure your dog knows how to swim before letting him into the ocean or bay, and consider a life jacket.
• Do not let your dog drink salt water – Make sure to bring plenty of fresh water from home
• White dogs and hairless dogs should wear pet-friendly sunblock – they can get sunburned just like us!
• Rinse off after playing – sand and salt water can be irritating and drying to a dog’s skin and coat
• Make sure your dog isn’t becoming overheated in the summer sun
• Running in sand is as hard on dogs as it is on people, so make sure your dog takes plenty of breaks and don’t let a dog not used to beach running stay too long.